Code Of Honor 3 Desperate Measures
The Legionnaire's Code of Honor: a set of rules and principles that has been accepted by the French Foreign Legion as model behavior. You are a volunteer serving France with Honor and Fidelity. A mission is sacred, you will carry it out until the end respecting laws, custom of war, international conventions and, if necessary, at the risk of your life. With the French Foreign Legion back, armed forces of the terrorist Global Revolutionary Front have attacked a secret research facility. Join the elite commandoes of the French Foreign Legion and go eye to eye with the greatest threat yet. The risk of nuclear attack has forced the international community to intervene immediately. France has reacted the fastest by transferring the elite 13th half-brigade from Djibouti to Ivory Coast. Among the several hundred men is Senior Corporal Claude Boulet. Based on tests of character he has been appointed to lead the most difficult operation of the war.
Never, in his darkest dreams, did Claude expect the trouble he found himself in. From now on he will always associate Côte d'Ivoire with the war path he had to tread in the defense of freedom and democracy. The French Foreign Legion moves in! The Foreign Legion commandos are facing another great challenge. This time an international team will go to French Guiana to secure the region. The mercenaries of general Mendoza targeted a research facility on Île Royale. They captured an experimental nuclear reactor. It is a beginning of a critical chain of events which will threaten the whole region. The French government must solve the problem before the public gets to know about it. The commandos will receive an order to silently infiltrate the island. The success of their task lies in your hands.
Conquer Île Royale, going through a system of caves, a nineteen-century prison and a factory complex to reach the research facility and stop the enemy.
A covert firing system that allows you to "blind fire" from behind walls or low obstacles
Minimum system requirements
Operating System: Windows XP/2000 or Windows VISTA
CPU: Pentium 4 2.0GHz processor or equivalent
Memory: 512 MB RAM (Windows XP/2000), 1024 MB RAM (Windows VISTA)
Video Card: GeForce 5700 or Radeon 9700 128 MB graphics card
Hard Drive: 3.0 GB of free hard drive space for installation
Quad speed DVD-ROM
DirectX 9.0c or higher
16-bit sound card with EAX 2.0 compatible with DirectX 9.0
Recommended system requirements
Operating System: Windows XP/2000 or Windows VISTA
CPU: Pentium 4 2.0GHz processor or equivalent
Memory: 1 GB RAM (Windows XP/2000), 2 GB RAM (Windows VISTA)
Video Card: GeForce 8400GT or ATI RADEON HD 2400 Series graphics card
Hard Drive: 3.5 GB of free hard drive space for installation
Quad speed DVD-ROM
DirectX 9.0c or higher
32-bit sound card with EAX 2.0 compatible with DirectX 9.0
4. Enjoy